Thursday, August 6, 2009

"What I've Learned"

Before entering ISNHS,expect the unexpected, because there are so many things you have to encounter in this school. Before, I thought it was easy for me to adjust about my subject but I was wrong. There's a lot of things I've learned to my subjects, but before I can understand it well, I used asked help to my sister.
When I reached 3rd year I didn't expect that we have a computer class. So I got nervous then, because I'm not that expert to operate a computer. So I needed the help of my sister. To my sister and teacher helped I've learned a lot about it. And now,we have also a computer class. And it is not hard now for me to understand it.
I'm willing to learn about this so I study hard so that I can understand. If I got failed, faced the consequences,right? So I have to be strong so that I reached what I want.
Proving on I will study hard my lesson and I will do all my priorities, for my dreams and goals.


  1. ...bhex you have a nice blog...and keep up the good work. . .
    take care...

  2. your blogs are so amazing..............
    and you are so artistic......................

  3. ..nice blog..

    .expect the unexpected.??. yes thats right..!!

    ..keep up the good work..focus also in ur studies.
